Gates Pass is located in the Tucson Mountains on Gates Pass Road. To get to the main parking lot take Speedway BLVD away from Tucson to the west. Gates Pass Road is two-laned and drivers can be aggressive.
My objective for today was to hike until I reached a high point with views east and west. The summit I reached does not have a name but I called it Little Bushmaster Peak because it is on the same ridge as Bushmaster Peak. From Gates Pass there is an established trail that travels west descending out of the mountains. For this hike I will be on well-worn but un-established trails.I departed the parking lot and hiked passed the old CCC huts. These are great examples of stone work from the 30s sadly visitors have spray painted some of the walls and the inside floor has trash. From here I easily found a trail that ascended farther into the mountains and skirted most of the Devil's cholla that is brutal for hikers if you brush up against it. The unincorporated trail was easy to follow but there is one section that is steep with precarious footing. I also had to side step some cholla, Barrel cactus and Saguaro in this seection. At the top of this section, the trail switch backed some more before wrapping around the peak to the summit. This last section the trail is faint in spots and easy to miss. From the top the top the view was extraordinary in all directions. The hike back was uneventful but I did get off this main trail onto an underused faint path which took me into a Devil cholla forest. At this point my hiking stick became useful in keeping me from brushing up against this nasty plant. During the Spring and Fall watch for rattlesnakes.
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