Directions: The town of Eureka, Utah, is located approximately 60 miles south of Tooele, Utah, off of UT 36.
History: Tintic Mining District- Began with the discovery of silver ore in the East Tintic Mountains by George Rush in 1868. A year later mines had sprung up all over the mountains. With the arrival of more and more people communities such as Eureka, Mammoth and Dividend were built. The district was relatively small- six miles long and two miles wide. The district mined gold, lead, zinc and copper ore well into the late 1950s. Up until 1914 the Tintic mines had produced over $143,215,800 worth of metal. Unlike other mining districts in the west, this district produced for decades. In November of 2011, I saw evidence of mines operating near Silver City and on the eastern side of the Tintic Mountains. (information from Elements Unearthed and http://www.tinticgoldsminersin.com/)
History of the town of Eureka: The boom town of Eureka would be known for its longevity. Mining operations started in 1870 and continued until 1957. The mines produced many metals including silver, copper, lead and gold. Today, the town is considered an EPA Superfund site. Recently, eighteen inches of soil has been removed because of the presence of lead.
The boom began with the discovery of silver ore above Eureka in 1870. Within a year a few buildings were built. Residents flooded in when John Beck discovered rich silver ore in the gulch directly outside the town. This mine- the Bullion-Beck- would be one of the richest producers in the region. From the beginning the town was known for its chaotic nature with streets everywhere and houses right next to mines and mills.
From its beginning Eureka had its share of heartache. In its early years typhoid and small pox killed many residents. A flash flood in 1890 wiped out many local businesses. In 1893 a fire burned over twenty buildings in town. As a result of the fire, residents built newer buildings out of stone. Even with the setbacks the town prospered.
At its climax the town was one of the quietest boom towns in the west. Gunfights were nonexistent because of an active police force. Eureka had department stores, theaters, hotels, schools and churches. Andrew Carnegie financed a large library which contained over 12,000 books and many mgagazines. Three newspapers also printed in town including the Eureka Chief and Eureka Response. Two railroads the D&RGW and the Union Pacific competed to transport ore from the mines.
Starting in 1930 the mines gradually closed due to a lack of water, high costs and lower metal prices. In 1957 the last mine closed down. Today, because of the high cost of metals mining activity has increased in the region; however, the town of Eureka is a shadow of its former self. (Information from: Utah Ghost Towns by Stephen Carr)

Gutted building

Eureka in its heyday

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