Sunday, July 17, 2011

7/1/2011 Ward Charcoal Ovens State Park Nevada

On our way down to southern California, Tara and I stopped at the Ward Charcoal Ovens south of Ely, Nevada, on route 93 south. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies and cooler morning temperatures; however, by the afternoon the temps would be well into the 90s. A day use fee of $7 is charged because it is a state park. This park is very interesting and well worth your time. A visitor can also take a short three mile nature trail.
History: The charcoal ovens were constructed in the 1870s to create charcoal which would be used in the smelters to the north. Each kiln had a capacity for 35 cords of wood which burned for 12 days. Workers used the kilns until the charcoal was replaced by coke brought in by rail.
Lime kilns in the park
The charcoal ovens. There are four together.
The photo below shows Tara standing in the doorway of one of the ovens.

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